

贝特朗书店是世界上最古老的书店,最早由法国人佩德罗·法雷创办,这位法国人有两个女儿,嫁给了同为法国人的贝特朗兄弟。1753年Faure逝世后,原来的店名就从“Faure & Bertrand Brothers” 简化为贝特朗书店了。这个近三百年历史的书店承载着无数历史遗留下来的创伤:地震、大火、19世纪的内战、20世纪的革命,以及当前的葡萄牙的负债危机。  

营运至今,十八世纪的老书店已经成为了连锁店,多达几十家分店。书店先是卖给德国的贝塔斯曼出版集团,2010年后,又被转卖回葡萄牙最大的出版公司Porto Editora。总店坐落于热闹的奇亚多区,外表很低调,蓝色瓷砖贴满外墙。

Bertrand Bookstore is the oldest bookstore in the world. It was first founded by Frenchman Pedro Farre, who had two daughters and married the Bertrand brothers, who were also French. After Faure's death in 1753, the original store name was simplified from "Faure & Bertrand Brothers" to Bertrand Bookstore. This nearly three-hundred-year-old bookstore bears countless traumas left over from history: earthquakes, fires, civil wars in the 19th century, revolutions in the 20th century, and the current debt crisis in Portugal.

Since its operation, the old bookstore in the 18th century has become a chain store with dozens of branches. The bookstore was first sold to Germany's Bertelsmann Publishing Group, and after 2010, it was sold back to Porto Editora, Portugal's largest publishing company. The main store is located in the lively Chiado district, with a low-key appearance, with blue tiles covering the exterior walls.

  • Date: 2022-05-05
  • Category: 劳伦斯世界纪录
  • Location: 里斯本,葡萄牙
  • Record Holder: Porto Editora
  • Numbering: 201928A-PT

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