



The Hubble Space Telescope, named after the American astronomer Edwin Hubble, was successfully launched on April 24, 1990, and is an optical telescope located above the Earth's atmosphere.

The Hubble telescope has a diameter of 2.4 meters and a length of about 16 meters. It is equipped with a variety of instruments for observing faint celestial bodies. It orbits the earth on an orbit of about 640 kilometers above the ground to inspect the universe. Because it is located above the atmosphere, unlike ground-based telescopes that suffer from atmospheric turbulence, it greatly expands our understanding of the universe.

  • Date: 2022-05-05
  • Category: 劳伦斯世界纪录
  • Location: 美国
  • Record Holder: 美国
  • Numbering: 190723F-US

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