


西伯利亚铁路几乎跨越了地球周长1/4的里程,穿越乌拉尔山脉将俄罗斯的欧洲部分、西伯利亚、远东地区连接起来。其中欧洲部分约占19.1%,亚洲部分约占80.9%,共跨越8个时区、3个地区、14个省份。铁路设计时速为80公里,从莫斯科到达终点站海参崴共9288公里,需要七天七夜的时间才能到达 。西伯利亚大铁路曾经被称为俄罗斯的“脊柱”、连接欧亚文明的纽带,对俄罗斯乃至欧亚两大洲的经济、文化交流产生过举足轻重的影响。特别是第二次世界大战期间,这条铁路为苏联打败德、日法西斯作出了很大贡献。

The Trans-Siberian Railway, also known as the First Eurasian Continental Bridge, connects Moscow and Vladivostok with a total length of 9,288 kilometers, making it the longest railway line in the world.

The Trans-Siberian Railway spans almost a quarter of the Earth's circumference, connecting the European part of Russia, Siberia, and the Far East through the Ural Mountains. Among them, the European part accounts for about 19.1%, and the Asian part accounts for about 80.9%, spanning 8 time zones, 3 regions and 14 provinces. The design speed of the railway is 80 kilometers per hour, and it takes 9,288 kilometers from Moscow to the terminal Vladivostok, and it takes seven days and seven nights to arrive. The Trans-Siberian Railway was once known as the "spine" of Russia and the link connecting Eurasian civilizations. Especially during World War II, this railway made a great contribution to the defeat of the fascists in Germany and Japan by the Soviet Union.

  • Date: 2022-05-05
  • Category: 劳伦斯世界纪录
  • Location: 俄罗斯
  • Record Holder: 俄罗斯
  • Numbering: 200613A-RU

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