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这一形象的创建经历了复杂的过程。马耳他旅游局与重新想象人工智能公司(Reimagine AI)一起合作,以数百个二维模型为基础,生成了一个美丽大方又富有代表性的女性照片。随后经过转化,玛丽娅就以一个三维立体的形象出现在了人们面前。在不到一分钟的视频中,玛丽娅做了一个简短的自我介绍,表情生动活泼,但人们的注意力很容易就被她独特的口音所吸引。


At a conference on digital tourism, Tourism Malta launched the world's first virtual citizen, Marija. "She" in the video has deep facial features and thick black hair, which is a typical Maltese female image.

The creation of this image went through a complex process. The Malta Tourism Board worked with Reimagine AI to generate a beautiful and representative picture of a woman based on hundreds of 2D models. After transformation, Maria appeared in front of people in a three-dimensional image. In the video of less than a minute, Maria gives a brief self-introduction with a lively expression, but the attention is easily drawn to her unique accent.

  • Date: 2022-06-13
  • Category: 劳伦斯世界纪录
  • Location: 马耳他
  • Record Holder: 马耳他
  • Numbering: 2203014-MT

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