




The Turkish 1915 Canakkale Bridge spans the Dardanelles Strait at the western end of the Marmara Sea in Turkey. It is a two-tower three-span suspension bridge with six lanes in both directions. After the bridge is opened to traffic, it will shorten the time of crossing the strait from about an hour by ferry to a six-minute drive, saving 415 million euros per year from the perspective of energy consumption and carbon emissions.

The length of the main span of the bridge is designed to be 2023 meters, the length of the side span on the Griboru side of the bridge (European shore) is 770 meters, and the length of the side span on the Lapseki side (Asian shore) is 770 meters, with a total of 87 main girder sections of steel box girder. , with a total length of 3563 meters. The main span surpasses Japan's Akashi Kaikyo Bridge (1991 meters) and is currently the largest bridge in the world.

  • Date: 2022-06-13
  • Category: 劳伦斯世界纪录
  • Location: 土耳其,达达尼尔海峡
  • Record Holder: 土耳其
  • Numbering: 220318-TR

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