世界上首座 3D 打印商业建筑


迪拜未来基金会 (DFF) 使用 20 英尺高、120 英尺长和 40 英尺宽的 3D 打印机打印了一座商业建筑;整个结构令人印象深刻,高 20 英尺、宽 40 英尺、长 120 英尺,创造了世界上第一座 3D 打印商业建筑的新世界纪录。



The Dubai Future Foundation (DFF) used a 3D printer 20 feet high, 120 feet long and 40 feet wide to print a commercial building; the entire structure is impressive at 20 feet high, 40 feet wide and 120 feet long, creating a world New world record for the first 3D printed commercial building.

The building's office space covers an area of 250 square meters, and the exterior design reflects the most innovative form of future office space.

  • Date: 2022-06-13
  • Category: 劳伦斯世界纪录
  • Location: 阿联酋.迪拜
  • Record Holder: 迪拜未来基金会 (DFF) 
  • Numbering: 200220-AE

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