

阿尔山温泉为内蒙古著名矿泉疗养地。位于大兴安岭中段西麓,蒙语“ 阿尔山”意为“ 圣水”。有四十二个泉眼,泉区方圆1平方千米,是世界上最大的温泉群。各泉水温差别明显,所含化学成分各不相同,可分别治疗几十种慢性病。


Arxan Hot Springs is a famous mineral spring resort in Inner Mongolia. It is located on the western foot of the middle section of the Greater Khingan Range, and "Arxan" in Mongolian means "holy water". With forty-two springs, the hot spring area covers an area of one square kilometer, making it the world's largest hot spring group. The temperature and chemical composition of each spring vary significantly, and they can be used to treat dozens of chronic diseases.

There are 48 hot springs in Arxan Hot Springs, covering an area of 500 meters north to south and over 70 meters east to west. The springs are categorized as cold, warm, hot, and high-temperature, with water temperatures ranging from 1.5℃ and containing more than 10 elements such as radon, chlorine, magnesium, sulfur, and silicon.

  • Date: 2023-03-19
  • Category: 劳伦斯世界纪录
  • Location: 中国,兴安盟
  • Record Holder: 内蒙古-阿尔山市
  • Numbering: 221206-CN

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